Their wedding took place in Sonora CA. The drive from Sacramento was awesome! So many nice views to enjoy while driving. The weather was just amazing all day, not hot at all. April weather is perfect for outdoor events!

I arrived to the venue about an hour an a half before the ceremony. Upon arrival I decided to go to the venue to check out the place since this was my first time there. I noticed that everything was set up and ready to go! I took advantage of the time to capture some details of all the wedding items around the venue.

Brian and his best man arrived to the venue a few minutes before the start of the ceremony. They were helping each ether to make final adjustments to their outfits.

The ceremony started right on time as expected. The length of the ceremony was very quick but very especial and emotional, everyone was very happy that they got to experience a very especial time. When the ceremony ended everyone cheered to congratulate them on their next chapter in life! 

After the ceremony everyone came along to congratulate them including their dog was very happy! 

We were able to set some time take a few photos with their guest, we also walked around the venue and around the town a couple of blocks to take a few photos with just Emily and Brian.

After the photo session we headed back to the venue to begin with the next events on the agenda. Everything went very smoothly throughout out the night. The dance floor opened at around 7:00pm where everyone got up to dance with the couple!

It was an amazing experience to be part of their wedding! This was my first time in Sonora CA. I really enjoyed the drive and loved the town and the people!